序號 | 作者 | 論文名稱 | 刊物名稱, 年, 卷號(期號) | 備註 |
1 | 蔡曄敏 | 液貨船自動化系統網絡的設計 | 上海造船, 2011, (1): 65-67. |
2 | 陳國明 | 探索高校電工電子實習模式 | 無線音樂-音樂藝術教育文化, 2011, (1): 91. |
3 | 鄧娜 | Data flow fuzzy control based on linear phase IIR filter | Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation |
4 | 範小蘭 | Measuring Device of Hob Helix Error Based on Single Chip Microcomputer | 2011 Fourth International Confererce on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation. 2011. |
5 | 範小蘭 | 電工實習教學改革對電工技術教學的促進作用 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
6 | 顧蓓 | 淺談藝術鑄造實訓教學方法 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
7 | 顧蓓 | 構建案例驅動模式下的實踐教學建設 | 教育教學論壇, 2011, (1). |
8 | 何誌苠 | The Field Application Analysis of Dynamic Line Rating System Based on Tension Monitoring | Proceedings 2011 IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference (PEAM2011) |
9 | 胡義剛 | 高速高精密機床主軸部件動態三目標優化建模 | 意昂2体育注册學報, 2011, 25(2): 139-142. |
10 | 胡義剛 | 基於實例的三坐標綜合性實驗的設計與實踐 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
11 | 黃立新 | Cutting Forces of PCB Supported Hole | Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 188: 435-440. |
12 | 李培耀 | 34CrNi3Mo熱處理工藝正交試驗與優化 | 熱加工工藝, 2011, 40(2). |
13 | 李毅 | The Speed Estimation of Induction Motor Based on Fuzzy Neural Network | 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications(ICCDA2011) |
14 | 李毅 | Application of Fuzzy Neural Network in the Speed Control System of Induction Motor | 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering(CSAE 2011) |
15 | 梁艷 | Semiglobal Practical Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Parametric Uncertainty | 2011 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation |
16 | 梁艷 | 電工與電子技術實驗教學改革探討 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
17 | 劉燕 | Manufacturing Data Collection and Management Based on Wireless Distributed Numerical Control (WDNC) | Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2011. |
18 | 劉燕 | 提高卓越工程師工程訓練效果的探討 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
19 | 蒲永紅 | An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Reactive Power Optimization | 2011 Proceeding of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, (CCC 2011) |
20 | 蒲永紅 | 基於電壓無功功率和控製變量計算的VQC策略 | 意昂2体育注册學報. 2011, 25(1): 31-35. |
21 | 宋芳 | Study on NC Instruction Interpretations Algorithm with High-order Differentiability Based on Moving-average | Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 211-212. | CPCI-S |
22 | 宋芳 | Theory Research on NC Instruction Interpretation for Trajectory Trace | 2011 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation |
23 | 蘇聖超 | Fault Prediction for Nonlinear Time Series Based on Temporal Pattern Estimation | Proceedings-2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science, ICFMD 2011. | ISTP |
24 | 蘇聖超 | An SVR-Based Online Fault Detection Method | Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation |
25 | 王佳 | WSN中基於改進蟻群算法的移動Agent路徑規劃 | 傳感技術學報. 2011, 24(4). |
26 | 王佳 | Coverage Enhanced Algorithm Using Artificial Potential Force | The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information (ICMSIC)2011 |
27 | 王佳 | Formation control parameter tuning using ant colony algorithm | The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent control and Information Processing (ICICIP 2011) |
28 | 王艷新 | A novel design of a digital and automatic winding machine control system | 2011 International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials | CPCI-S |
29 | 王艷新 | 改革教學內容和教學方法,提高教學質量 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
30 | 信麗華 | 數控機床領域的知識產權現狀分析 | 教育教學論壇, 2011(8). |
31 | 信麗華 | 東方明珠模型大學生創新項目的建設與探索 | 產業與科技論壇. 2011, 10(13): 92-93. |
32 | 徐新成 | 鋼製汽車車輪平衡快及其塑性成形技術 | 中國科技成果. 2011, (12). |
33 | 徐新成 | “卓越工程師培養計劃”的實踐教學改革探索 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
34 | 徐新成 | 多擠壓通道零件毛坯設計 | 熱加工工藝. 2011, 40(23). |
35 | 楊珍 | 基於ARM與DSP雙核控製的數字語言學生終端設計 | 工業儀表與自動化裝置, 2011, (2). |
36 | 楊珍 | 四軸雕刻機在數控實習中的應用 | 華東高校工程訓練教學學會第九屆學術年會論文集, 2011. |
37 | 余粟 | Application of RBAC in the Consulting Industry | 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications(ICCDA2011) |
38 | 余粟 | The Research and Implementation of RBAC_Based SOD | 2011 International Conference on Computer Applications and Network Security (ICCANS 2011) |
39 | 張帆 | Topological synthesis of fully decoupled parallel manipulators by screw formulation of Jacobian matrix | Advanced Materials Research,189-193(2011) | CPCI-S |
40 | 張帆 | RRR-RRPU-RUPR球面轉動並聯機構運動學分析 | 農業機械學報, 2011, 42(9). |
41 | 張帆 | 基於支鏈驅動理論的解耦球面轉動 並聯機構型綜合 | 農業機械學報, 2011, 42(11). |
42 | 張帆 | Type synthesis of a fully decoupled parallel wrist manipulator | Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2011 |
43 | 張婷 | 高壓直流輸電系統兩種最後斷路器跳閘保護比較 | 意昂2体育注册學報. 2011, 25(2). |
44 | 張錫民 | 基於微粒群優化與自由搜索的混合優化方法 | 計算機應用研究, 2011, 28. |
45 | 章偉 | Improved Delay-range-dependent Stability Criterion for Discrete-time Systems with Interval Time-varying Delay | Journal of Information and Computational Science,2011, Vol.8,No.14, pp.3321-3328. | EI |
46 | 章偉 | LMI-based Observer Design for One-sided Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems | Proceeding of the 30th Chinese Control Confence, pp.256-260, Yantai, 2011. | ISTP |
47 | 章偉 | Robust Stabilization of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Based on CLFs | Proceeding of the 30th Chinese Control Confence, pp.2275-2279, Yantai, 2011. | ISTP |
48 | 章偉 | Simultaneous Stabilization of A Collection of Single-Input Nonlinear Systems Based on CLFs | Asian Journal of Control, 2011, Vol.13, No.4, pp.582-589. | SCIE |
49 | 章偉 | Robust Stability Test for Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems: A Descriptor System Approach | Latin American Applied Research, 2011, Vol.41, No.4 | SCIE |
50 | 章偉 | Robust Stability for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems with Interval Time-varying Delay | ICMTMA, 2011. |
51 | 章偉 | 一組反饋可線性化系統的同時鎮定 | 意昂2体育注册學報, 2011, 25(1): 23-26. |
52 | 趙春鋒 | The Online Measuring System for The Circular Pitch Error of Hob Chip Pocket | Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation |
53 | 趙春鋒 | 自行車自動變速器設計 | 意昂2体育注册學報. 2011, 25(2). |
54 | 趙春鋒 | 智能照明在電工實習教學中的應用 | 教育發展研究. 2011, 10. |
55 | 趙春鋒 | PLC在電工實習教學中的應用 | 教育發展研究. 2011, 10. |
56 | 趙中華 | 工作條件對拉深成形加工硬化的影響 | 熱加工工藝. 2011, 40(317): 97-99. |
57 | 趙中華 | 自由模式下板料拉深成形性能 試驗研究 | 昆明理工大學學報自然科學版. 2011, 36(2): 41-45. |
58 | 朱建軍 | Workshop informationization management and implementation | Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Engineering |
59 | 朱建軍 | Research on the information data analysis and management system for workshop | Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Engineering |
60 | 朱建軍 | 現代工業訓練意昂2內涵建設的探索與實踐 | 大家. 2011, (8). |
61 | 朱建軍 | 藝術鑄造在工程訓練中的運用 | 產業與科技論壇. 2011, (2). |
62 | 朱建軍 | 機電一體化創新實訓項目建設的探索 | 教育教學論壇, 2011, (8). |
63 | 朱建軍 | 對新近教師崗位培訓的要求與形式 | 中國市場, 2011, (8). |